The Provision of a Green Marketing Management Model Based on the Value Chain in the Banking Industry


    Ebrahim Akhlaghi Department of Business management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    Seyed Mehdi Karimi Zand * Department of Business management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
    Azam Rahimi Nik Department of Business management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Green Marketing, Management, Banking Industry, Value Chain


The present study aimed to propose and explain a green marketing management model based on the value chain in the banking industry. This study focused on conceptualizing green marketing management within the framework of the value chain, identifying the influencing factors, and developing operational strategies to enhance the green marketing process in banking services. This research employed a grounded theory approach due to its exploratory nature. The sampling method utilized in this study was theoretical sampling. Data collection was primarily conducted through in-depth interviews with bank managers, clients, and academic experts to achieve theoretical saturation. A total of 10 interviews were conducted. After collecting the data, the transcribed interviews were analyzed through a coding process. The final model of the study was developed through three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. The findings indicate that the final model comprises six general categories and eighteen subcategories. The findings of this study highlight that for successful green marketing management based on the value chain in the banking industry, managers must consider all identified categories and subcategories and possess adequate and comprehensive knowledge of each. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the importance of green marketing management based on the value chain in the banking industry.


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How to Cite

Akhlaghi , E., Karimi Zand, S. M., & Rahimi Nik , A. . (2024). The Provision of a Green Marketing Management Model Based on the Value Chain in the Banking Industry. Business, Marketing, and Finance Open, 1(1), 75-84.

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